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An Issue Brief on Health IT and Cardiac Care

October 08, 2015

This report was developed by the National Council on Heart Disease and Technology, a multi-stakeholder workgroup led by representatives from eHealth Initiative, American College of Cardiology, NextGen, American Heart Association, and the American Stroke Association. This report aims to inform the field and provide a roadmap towards achieving a robust, interoperable learning health system for heart disease.

What to Expect From Your HIE

October 08, 2015

Health information exchange (HIE) holds the potential to radically transform care by ensuring that accurate and up-to-date information is available to providers at the point of care. However, for reasons of expense, culture, or competition, some healthcare providers have been reluctant to integrate or adopt health IT systems capable of robust electronic data exchange. This paper describes the characteristics of successful enterprise HIE implementations and presents ten reasons why providers should participate in data exchange. Sponsored by RelayHealth.