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Improving Data Privacy Using Fuzzy Logic and Autoencoder Neural Network

August 04, 2019

Improving Data Privacy Using Fuzzy Logic and Autoencoder Neural Network

Data privacy is a very important problem to address while sharing data among multiple organizations and has become very crucial in the health sectors since multiple organizations such as hospitals are storing data of patients in the form of Electronic Health Records. Stored data is used with other organizations or research analysts to improve the health care of patients. However, the data records contain sensitive information such as age, sex, and date of birth of the patients. Revealing sensitive data can cause a privacy breach of the individuals. This has triggered research that has led to many different privacy preserving techniques being introduced. Thus, we designed a technique that not only encrypts / hides the sensitive information but also sends the data to different organizations securely. To encrypt sensitive data we use different fuzzy logic membership functions. We then use an autoencoder neural network to send the modified data. The output data of the autoencoder can then be used by different organizations for research analysis.

The full article can be downloaded below.  


Privacy & Security Task Force

This task force will identify best practices for payers, providers, and vendors in removing barriers to exchange and access of data and provide details on current legislation and regulation. The task force will also identify potential state associations or healthcare organizations to share intelligence and information on key state privacy and security law developments.

Privacy & Security Task Force

This task force will identify best practices for payers, providers, and vendors in removing barriers to exchange and access of data and provide details on current legislation and regulation. The task force will also identify potential state associations or healthcare organizations to share intelligence and information on key state privacy and security law developments.

Privacy & Security Task Force

This task force will identify best practices for payers, providers, and vendors in removing barriers to exchange and access of data and provide details on current legislation and regulation. The task force will also identify potential state associations or healthcare organizations to share intelligence and information on key state privacy and security law developments.

Here's What It Takes to Build the Nation's Most Trusted & Capable Health Information Network: Best Practices

July 29, 2019

Here's What It Takes to Build the Nation's Most Trusted & Capable Health Information Network: Best Practices

Through a single connection to the Surescripts network, participants in the Surescripts Network Alliance are able to exchange actionable patient intelligence far more extensively, efficiently and effectively than they could if they had to rely on individual connections to all other organizations. Meanwhile, all Surescripts solutions—and all those who use them—benefit from the industry-leading reliability, security and scalability of the Surescripts network.

Best Practices

  • The Trust Fabric - Essential to any two-sided network, the trust fabric creates confidence in participants, the integrity of the system, and how shared data can and cannot be used.
  • The Transport Layer​ - The transport layer makes it technologically possible to exchange electronic health information across multiple domains.
  • The Usability Layer - The usability layer enables delivery of actionable patient intelligence to the point of care within existing  clinical workflows.
  • The Optimization Layer - Touching every transaction Surescripts handles, the optimization layer helps continuously improve network performance in order to deliver actionable patient intelligence as quickly and accurately as possible.

The full Surescripts article can be viewed at this link.  


As Healthcare Goes Digital, Consumer Engagement And Experience Improve

July 10, 2019

As Healthcare Goes Digital, Consumer Engagement And Experience Improve

The healthcare industry in the United States has long been a dichotomy in its embrace of – and resistance to – technology. While some of the world's finest technology is used to diagnose and treat all manner of illness, patients often have to complete paper forms in the waiting room and many doctors still take notes on paper medical charts.

The move to digital has been well under way in most other industries, creating an expectation of a consumer experience in which healthcare has fallen behind. After all, today's competition is every other experience the customer has had recently.

In the second of a three-part series, I interview several leaders in the healthcare industry who are approaching the digitization of healthcare from different angles. Thomas Swanson is the Head of Industry Strategy and Marketing in the Health and Life Sciences division of AdobeGeeta Wilson is the founder and CEO of Consumer Society, an early-stage tech and experience design company building an enterprise experience management technology platform to connect all of the major industry players – insurance companies, healthcare professionals and consumers. Richard McCreary is the Vice President of Product Development for Consumer Society after working at health insurer Humana for nearly 14 years.

The full Forbes article can be viewed at this link.  


What’s Powering Artificial Intelligence?

July 01, 2019

What’s Powering Artificial Intelligence?

To scale artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), hardware and software developers must enable AI/ML performance across a vast array of devices. This requires balancing the need for functionality alongside security, affordability, complexity and general compute needs. Fortunately, there’s a solution hiding in plain sight.

The full Arm whitepaper can be downloaded below.  


HHS PRESS RELEASE: Frequently Asked Questions on HIPAA and Health Plans Support Care Coordination and Continuity of Care

June 23, 2019

Frequently Asked Questions on HIPAA and Health Plans Support Care Coordination and Continuity of Care

Amy Eckenroth
Foundation for eHealth Initiative
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How Blockchain And AI Can Help Master Data Management

June 20, 2019

How Blockchain And AI Can Help Master Data Management

Master data is easily one of the most critical assets that a business possesses. With continuous digitization and the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, the value of master data and the importance of master data management are only going to grow. Before we proceed into the importance of master data management, let’s understand what master data is.

Gartner defines master data as “...the consistent and uniform set of identifiers and extended attributes that describes the core entities of the enterprise including customers, prospects, citizens, suppliers, sites, hierarchies and chart of accounts.

Essentially, master data refers to all the static information that is used to identify the critical elements of a business. This can include the names of products, people (customers, suppliers, employees, leads, etc.), special equipment and tools, facilities, etc. Master data is different from transactional data such as invoice numbers, invoice amounts, dates, process parameters, etc. The purpose of master data is more about identifying and less about measuring.

The full Forbes article can be read at this link.  


MetLife Plans To Disrupt $2.7 Trillion Life Insurance Industry Using Ethereum Blockchain

June 19, 2019

MetLife Plans To Disrupt $2.7 Trillion Life Insurance Industry Using Ethereum Blockchain

When a family loses a loved one, it faces a litany of immediate tasks such as planning the funeral and placing an obituary in the local newspaper. All of this must be done while the bereaved is processing the emotional components of the individual’s passing. Amidst all of the raw feelings and deluge of family, it is natural for more mundane tasks such as filing a life insurance claim to fall by the wayside. Sometimes the family may not even know that the deceased has a life insurance policy.

This opaqueness does not serve the claimants or insurers well, and leading global insurer MetLife is utilizing the live public Ethereum blockchain to add transparency and efficiency to the claims process. In what is believed to be the first pilot program in the world focused on the life insurance industry, MetLife’s Singapore-based incubator LumenLab is collaborating with Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) and NTUC Income (Income) on a platform of smart contracts known as ‘Lifechain’ to help loved ones quickly determine if the deceased was protected with a policy and automatically file a claim.

If successful, this program has the potential to transform the insurance industry as a whole, creating new markets, products, and the ability to serve a more diverse set of customers at lower price points.

The full Forbes article can be viewed at this link.  
