
Past Events

Upcoming Events

Feb 09

Release of Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Please join us for the release of our final proposed Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data.  

In the absence of a comprehensive federal privacy law, we can and should do more to better protect consumer privacy. With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), the eHealth Initiative & Foundation (eHI) and the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) have collaborated on a consumer privacy framework for health data, with the help of experts and leaders from healthcare systems, technology companies, academia, and organizations advocating for privacy, consumer, and...

Feb 03

WEBINAR: How Providers are Scaling Virtual Care: Best Practices and Lessons Learned from the Leaders

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

The pandemic reshaped healthcare’s utilization of virtual care. Almost overnight, providers quickly mobilized telehealth programs, reshaped audio-only check-ins, and revamped patient engagement solutions. As healthcare leaders refine and grow these programs over the coming months, our experts detail the strategies and practices to help organizations scale from pilots to enterprise-wide, comprehensive virtual care deployments.

Join experts in creating virtual care experiences where the technology is “invisible” to the patients and providers. In their work together, they were able to...

Jan 28

eHI Annual Meeting

12:00 PM - 02:30 PM

This year, eHI's annual meeting will be virtual, bringing together an impressive group of stakeholders from across the health care industry.

2020 was a transformative year for digital health and many of eHI's multi-stakeholder members were – and remain – on the front lines fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. As we look ahead to 2021, join eHI for a three-day virtual conference to discuss lessons learned, industry best practices, and how we move toward a more modern, technology-enabled, and equitable health care system.

Our panels of experts will explore topics...

Jan 27

eHI Annual Meeting

12:00 PM - 02:30 PM

This year, eHI's annual meeting will be virtual, bringing together an impressive group of stakeholders from across the health care industry.

2020 was a transformative year for digital health and many of eHI's multi-stakeholder members were – and remain – on the front lines fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. As we look ahead to 2021, join eHI for a three-day virtual conference to discuss lessons learned, industry best practices, and how we move toward a more modern, technology-enabled, and equitable health care system.

Our panels of experts will explore topics...

Jan 26

eHI Annual Member Meeting

12:00 PM - 02:30 PM

This year, eHI's annual meeting will be virtual, bringing together an impressive group of stakeholders from across the health care industry.

2020 was a transformative year for digital health and many of eHI's multi-stakeholder members were – and remain – on the frontlines fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. As we look ahead to 2021, join eHI for a three-day virtual conference to discuss lessons learned, industry best practices, and how we move toward a more modern, technology-enabled, and equitable health care system.

Our panels of experts will explore topics...

Jan 20

WEBINAR: New Strategies for Patient Engagement: Lessons Learned During the Pandemic

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Are your patients and members so concerned about contracting COVID-19 that they are afraid to seek preventative care? Between deferred care, COVID-19 vaccine engagement, and the need to illuminate and address socioeconomic challenges and health equity, patient engagement presents new challenges as move into 2021. Do your current strategies measure up?

Please join us Lurie Children’s Pediatric Partners, an integrated network in Chicago, and Community Health Plan of Washington, a nonprofit health plan supporting Medicaid and Medicare populations, as they share their experiences and...

Jan 12

WEBINAR: SDOH Impact on Equity and Diversity in Clinical Trials

01:00 PM - 03:00 PM

The FDA reports that only five percent of clinical trial participants are Black, fewer than two percent are Asian, and fewer than one percent are Latino. This grossly uneven representation in clinical research means that current treatments may not be equally safe and effective for all populations. These findings suggest a need for a larger focus on the social determinants of health (SDOH) when designing clinical trials. Especially in light of recent concerns over the lack of racial diversity in COVID-19 research, it is urgent that we address this health equity issue.

On Jan 12, eHI...

Dec 16

WEBINAR: Expert Perspectives on Virtual Care

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

As the world adapts to the changes brought on in response to the coronavirus pandemic, it’s increasingly clear that virtual care is an essential component of modern care delivery. In response to the major pressures of care capacity and community safety, leading health organizations have adopted automated virtual care platforms to rapidly scale their care management capability. As we work to get the coronavirus pandemic under control, innovative leaders have also recognized the wide-ranging benefits of a richer, continuous and collaborative, care delivery process beyond addressing immediate...

Dec 10

Government Affairs Retreat

12:00 PM - 03:00 PM

From unprecedented Congressional and regulatory action on telehealth reimbursement to the release of final interoperability and information blocking rules, 2020 was a busy year for health technology professionals – and 2021 shows no signs of slowing down. Join eHI staff and Policy Steering Committee members for a deep-dive on the latest in health technology policy, eHI’s advocacy work, and a look ahead to the 117th Congress. Please note the event is only open to eHI members.

Speakers and moderators include:

  • Peter Antall, MD, President and Chief Medical...

Dec 09

Webinar: Patient Matching to Combat COVID-19

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM


The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted underlying challenges in data matching and patient identity and, in many cases, slowed public health efforts to respond to and contain the spread of the virus.

eHI invited participation in a survey to assess industry views and opinions on the importance of data matching and patient identity in the response to COVID-19. This webinar analyzes our findings. 




Jennifer Covich Bordenick
CEO, eHealth Initiative and Foundation


Nov 11

WEBINAR: Survey Results: Readiness for the ONC and CMS Interoperability Rules

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM


We asked and you answered! We sent out a survey to assess industry readiness to meet the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access to APIs Final Rule by the deadline. Many of you shared concerns about the regulations and how COVID might affect their implementation. The results from the survey have been analyzed and we’d like to share the results with you! Please join us for a presentation on the current state of readiness and see how various stakeholders have been impacted in similar or different ways to you and your organization.


Nov 10

WEBINAR: Improving Access to Healthcare Data via the FHIR Payer Endpoints Directory

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Join eHI and CAQH on November 10th for an educational webinar on CAQH’s FHIR Payer Endpoints Directory, a centralized directory that securely publishes validated FHIR endpoints, simplifying how healthcare organizations and third-party apps find and share endpoint information. The informative presentation will dive into how the FHIR Payer Endpoints Directory intersects with new regulatory requirements in the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule.





Oct 13

WEBINAR: Issues Affecting Native American Communities During the COVID-19 Crisis

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Deep Dive: Issues Affecting Native American Communities During the COVID-19 Crisis

American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) persons are disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar calls attention to the social determinants of health that put these individuals at significant risk for contracting the virus and experiencing adverse health outcomes due to it.

Join population health and policy experts from the Indian Health Service, Philips Healthcare, and the National Resource Center on Native American Aging for a discussion moderated by...

Oct 08

WEBINAR: Building a Modern Health Care System

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Join the eHealth Initiative (eHI) on October 8th for the release of a new report highlighting recommendations from the COVID-19 Federal Policy Work Group.

Formed in April 2020, eHI’s COVID-19 Federal Policy Work Group met over the course of four months to help craft a report with a set of policy recommendations to fully leverage health IT and digital health to fight COVID-19 and future public health challenges. The...

Oct 07

Data Analytics Workgroup: Health Data Privacy & Unintended Consequences

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

eHI members are invited to join a Data Analytics Workgroup meeting at 2 p.m.. eHI will update its workgroup members on the feedback we have received on our Draft Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data, a project undertaken in partnership with the Center for Democracy & Technology. Made possible with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), the Framework identifies and describes the current gaps in legal protection for health data outside of HIPAA’s coverage, as well as the standards and rules that should govern them. The Framework also includes a self-regulatory...

Oct 06

Roundtable: Combatting COVID-19 With Data Analytics

01:00 PM - 03:30 PM

eHI, along with featured partner Booz Allen Hamilton, will discuss four innovative, sustainable, and effective solutions around the challenges of using health data and modeling to address the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Booz Allen will share its success of the COVID-19 Safe Return Simulator, which integrates system dynamics and agent-based modeling to study the spread of COVID-19. 

For more information, contact Wanneh Dixon





Sep 08

WEBINAR: Fall 2020 Elections and Congressional Outlook

03:00 PM - 04:00 PM

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, health care is the number-one issue for voters in the 2020 presidential election. Indeed, the coming election – from the presidency all the way down to local races – will shape the future of health care in the United States.

Join leading health care policy experts Dean Rosen and Lauren Aronson, partners at Mehlman Castagnetti Rosen & Thomas, and eHI’s Assistant Vice President of Policy Catherine Pugh, for a discussion moderated by eHI CEO Jennifer Covich Bordenick on the current state of the presidential campaigns, what’s on deck in...

Aug 26

WEBINAR: Draft Consumer Privacy Framework

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Join us for a webinar introducing our Draft Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data. Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and in partnership with the Center of Democracy and Technology, this Framework would increase protections for consumer health data that falls outside the protection of HIPAA.

The Framework will be posted in the eHI Resource Center following the webinar, and we will solicit public feedback on all aspects of it for 30 days.


