Washington, DC – January 24, 2022 - Executives for Health Innovation (EHI) is coordinating the selection of an organization to implement a key recommendation proposed in the Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data. The identified organization will implement and house a self-regulatory program to govern compliance with the consumer health data-use standards contained within the Framework.
Over the last two years, EHI and the Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) led a rigorous process developing substantive standards that are a part of the Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data. The data-use standards reflects the work of more than 60 participating organizations from across the healthcare sector, and public comment was sought on a set of draft standards in 2020. The final Framework privacy standards released in February of 2021 included the input of a broad range of consumer, health, technology, civil liberties, and academic organizations. The work was funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
This Request for Proposals (RFP) focuses on the recommendation made in the Framework to create a self-regulatory program. EHI is seeking an organization to stand up the program, house and manage it. EHI encourages proposals from organizations with experience initiating, implementing, and managing certification and self-regulatory programs, preferably within or related to the health and/or technology sectors. More details on the RFP can be found below.
Download this document for the complete details of the Framework and the RFP.
To apply, fill out this application, provide supporting documents, and submit electronically by email to alice@ehidc.org by Friday, February 11, 2022 at 5:00 PM EST.
About Executives for Health Innovation
Executives for Health Innovation (EHI) is a catalyst for healthcare transformation, convening diverse leaders from across the industry to unlock opportunities for collaborative innovation. EHI, along with its coalition of members, focuses on education, thought leadership, and advocacy. We believe that innovation and diverse perspectives power the transformation of healthcare. Our members are working toward consumer-centered health that is lower cost, higher quality, and more accessible for all populations.