
Why It Matters: Prescribers Can Now Access Accurate Medication History Data for Virtually Every American

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Why It Matters: Prescribers Can Now Access Accurate Medication History Data for Virtually Every American

June 6, 2019

Why It Matters: Prescribers Can Now Access Accurate Medication History Data for Virtually Every American

Surescripts processed 17.7 billion secure health data transactions last year. More than 2.5 billion of those were requests for patient medication history data to be delivered from pharmacies and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) directly into care providers’ EHR software.

Continued network expansion and rapid provider adoption of powerful technologies like electronic medication history are a good thing. But what real benefit does high quality medication history data offer? How is this technology helping doctors, nurses and other clinicians deliver safe, efficient and cost-effective healthcare?

I met with Stacy Ward-Charlerie, Manager of Product Innovation, to gain a deeper understanding of the critical role that accurate and complete medication history plays for patients and providers at the point of care.

The full Surescripts article can be read at this link.  

