
EHI Response Letter to House Republican-led Modernization Subcommittee of the Healthy Future Task Force

Modernizing Public Health, Digital Care

  • Modernizing Public Health

    Building a more robust and sustainable public health system that promotes health, prevents disease, and protects all communities.
  • Digital Care

    Optimizing health, healthcare delivery, and access through digital technologies.  

EHI Response Letter to House Republican-led Modernization Subcommittee of the Healthy Future Task Force

March 7, 2022

The House Republican-led Modernization Subcommittee Healthy Future Task Force was conceived to examine workable policies to modernize and personalize America’s health care system, support innovative treatments, restore the doctor-patient relationship and provide all Americans more affordable health care options that fit their individual needs. The task force aims to make sure the U.S. is prepared for the next pandemic and ensure our country has a more resilient medical supply chain.

The Task Force is seeking feedback from stakeholders regarding the utilization of wearable technologies, expansion of telemedicine, and the digital modernization efforts in the U.S. healthcare system. Download EHI's response below.



