
eHI Annual Meeting

COVID-19, Interoperability, Policy, Modernizing Public Health, Privacy & Cybersecurity, Health Equity & Access, Digital Care

  • Interoperability

    Discover how healthcare technology works together.
  • Modernizing Public Health

    Building a more robust and sustainable public health system that promotes health, prevents disease, and protects all communities.
  • Digital Care

    Optimizing health, healthcare delivery, and access through digital technologies.  
  • Privacy & Cybersecurity

    Exploring the ways in which we are protecting the privacy, security, and confidentiality of patient information.  
  • Policy

    Stay up to date with what's happening with healthcare policy and how it affects stakeholders.
  • Health Equity & Access

    Creating an environment where everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible.

eHI Annual Meeting

January 29, 2021

eHI hosted its Annual Meeting from January 26-28th. Five panels discussed lessons learned, industry best practices, and how we move toward a more modern, technology-enabled, and equitable health care system. Panels of experts explored topics related to social determinants of health, health data privacy, policy and advocacy, and modern health care delivery.

For full biographies of panelists, click here.

Links to all videos below. 

eHI CEO Jen Covich Bordenick Interviews Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV)

eHI was thrilled to host Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) for a conversation on healthcare, data privacy, and the importance of federal policy to ensure transparency to the consumer.

Panel #1: TGI2021: Where Are We Heading This Year: 

eHI CEO Jen Covich Bordenick was joined by outgoing Board Chair Dr. Susan Turney, President & CEO of Marshfield Clinic Health System, and incoming Board Chair Amy McDonough, Senior Vice President & General Manager of Fitbit Health Solutions. They discussed expectations for 2021, as well as wearable technology and a discussion on equality in healthcare providers.

"While attitudes have thankfully changed dramatically, we have not arrived at a fully equitable society."

- Dr. Susan Turney

Panel #2: Prioritizing Equality in COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

eHI's Director of Strategy and Programs Wanneh Dixon joined Damika Barr, JD from Verily Life SciencesAnna Basevich from ArcadiaJ. Michael McGinnis, MD, MA, MPP from the National Academy of Medicine, and Diana Zuskov from LexisNexis Risk Solutions for a discussion on how to engage underserved communities in COVID-19 vaccine distribution and using data-driven approaches to close gaps in health equity.

"I think the biggest takeaway is that there is a lot of data out there and I think we're getting to the point where everyone is convinced data is important, but making it actionable and connecting it down to one individual that you can look at an entire data story for."

- Diana Zuskov

Panel #3: Virtual Care Delivery During COVID-19 and Beyond

eHI CEO Jen Covich Bordenick joined experts Saurabha Bhatnagar, MD of United Healthcare, Adam Pellegrini of CVS Health, and Roy Schoenberg, MD of Amwell. Panelists discussed how their organizations have scaled virtual care delivery during COVID-19 and how they envision the future of health care post-COVID-19.

"For the next generation of telehealth that we want to be known for it has to be built differently to allow for innovation of others to collaborate inside the telehealth encounters or surrounding the telehealth encounters."

- Dr. Roy Schoenberg 

Panel #4: Protecting “Health-ish” Data: Balancing Innovation and Health Data Privacy

eHI's Vice President and Senior Counsel Alice Leiter joined Jodi Daniel, Partner at Crowell & Moring; Laura Hoffman, Assistant Direction of Federal Affairs at the AMA; and Liz Salmi, Senior Strategist, Research Communication at OpenNotes and Senior Multimedia Communications Director at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Panelists talked about the challenging balance of shoring up legal protections for the increasing amounts of non-HIPAA-covered health data, establishing consumer trust in new technologies, and encouraging innovation in health care and health tech.

"[With respect to the digital Covid contact tracing apps]... There was a great idea, a great need to try to supplement traditional contact tracing for public health purposes with the outbreak of Covid with digital apps and smartphone apps that could use different types of functionality on your phone alert folks when they were exposed to Covid. Unfortunately, we saw with a lot of the early rollouts of those apps that people didn't trust what would happen to the information they provided."

- Laura Hoffman

Upcoming Webinar: Release of the Final Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data. We are delighted to release our final proposal to shore up protections for non-HIPAA-covered health information and share our plans for phase 2 of our work. Please join us and our colleagues from the Center for Democracy and Technology on February 9 at 2:00. 

Panel #5: Digital Health Policy: Have We Reached a Turning Point?

The last panel of the Annual Meeting was moderated by eHI’s Assistant Vice President of Policy, Catherine Pugh. Catherine was joined by Aashima Gupta, Director, Global Healthcare Strategy and Solutions at Google Cloud; Matthew Roman, Chief Digital Strategy Officer at Duke University Health System; and Dr. Mona Siddiqui, Senior Vice President, Clinical Strategy & Quality at Humana for a discussion on the impact of COVID-19 on health policy, lessons learned, and how we move forward to build a more effective, efficient, and equitable health care system​. 

“I think digital should have a level playing field and I think there’s often been just a much higher bar to get some things approved than in-person care, so my hope is that people begin to see last year as a proof point of what’s possible and continue to enable greater access to care for people through technology and through digital solutions.”

- Dr. Mona Siddiqui


