eHealth Initiative Leads Effort to Request Relief for Providers Fighting COVID-19
Analytics, Improving the Patient Experience, COVID-19, Policy
eHealth Initiative Leads Effort to Request Relief for Providers Fighting COVID-19
Washington, DC – March 23, 2020 – Today, eHealth Initiative (eHI) sent a letter to Congress, signed by 21 leading digital health and health IT organizations, outlining support for certain provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, as well as additional steps to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Digital health, telehealth, and remote monitoring technology can help providers effectively triage and treat COVID-19 patients,” says Jennifer Covich Bordenick, Chief Executive Officer of eHI. “There is an urgent need to remove regulations and help providers scale this technology quickly.”
The letter outlines support for telehealth provisions, including increased funding, as well as provisions related to the sharing of patient health information. It asks Congress to take additional steps to support telehealth, remote patient monitoring, expand broadband for rural areas, advance patient matching, fund artificial intelligence use and testing, and provide regulatory relief for providers and hospitals.