Data Analytics Workgroup: Health Data Privacy & Unintended Consequences
Health Equity & Access
Data Analytics Workgroup: Health Data Privacy & Unintended Consequences
eHI updates the Data Analytics Workgroup on the feedback we have received on our Draft Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data, a project undertaken in partnership with the Center for Democracy & Technology. Made possible with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), the Framework identifies and describes the current gaps in legal protection for health data outside of HIPAA’s coverage, as well as the standards and rules that should govern them. The Framework also includes a self-regulatory model that would hold companies accountable to these standards.
Alice Leiter, Vice President and Senior Counsel of the eHealth Initiative, presents the Draft Framework as part of a deep-dive discussion about the risks and consequences of consumer privacy violations that can result from the commercial collection and use of data, as well as how to mitigate that risk to avoid negative outcomes.