
China's Push to Control Americans' Health Care Future

Privacy & Cybersecurity

  • Privacy & Cybersecurity

    Exploring the ways in which we are protecting the privacy, security, and confidentiality of patient information.  

China's Push to Control Americans' Health Care Future

February 11, 2021

CBS recently published a 60 Minutes interview titled "China's Push to Control Americans' Health Care Future," featuring Edward You, Supervisory Special Agent in the FBI's Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate and friend of eHI. According to the interview, the officials say the Chinese government is trying to collect Americans' DNA, and they believe a recent offer from a Chinese company for assistance in COVID-19 testing was suspicious.

The National Counterintelligence and Security Center released a fact sheet about China's interest in our genetic data as a supplement to the 60 Minutes segment. 

