
Changing the Course of the Opioid Epidemic: The Power and Promise of Proven Technology - Best Practices

Improving the Patient Experience, Privacy & Cybersecurity

  • Privacy & Cybersecurity

    Exploring the ways in which we are protecting the privacy, security, and confidentiality of patient information.  
  • Improving the Patient Experience

    Improving the whole patient journey to ensure a positive patient experience, from clinical and administrative, to financial, and everything in between.

Changing the Course of the Opioid Epidemic: The Power and Promise of Proven Technology - Best Practices

July 31, 2018

Changing the Course of the Opioid Epidemic: The Power and Promise of Proven Technology - Best Practices

Surescripts is the nation’s largest health information network, transmitting nearly 13.7 billion secure health data transactions annually, including nearly 4.8 million e-prescriptions each and every day. The Surescripts Network AllianceTM connects virtually all electronic health record (EHR) vendors, pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), pharmacies and clinicians, plus an increasing number of health plans, long-term and postacute care organizations and specialty pharmacy organizations. This cross-market experience gives us a unique perspective on the role that technology can play in providing actionable intelligence to help reduce opioid abuse while ensuring that patients receive quality care and clinically appropriate medications. 

We all know the bad news. The opioid epidemic is ravaging our communities from coast to coast— and if we are serious about stopping it, all sectors of society must step up. The good news is that health data and information technology exist today that can help healthcare practitioners better navigate the crisis. Here are five ways technology can help:

Best Practices

  • EPCS and CancelRx - These promote effectively delivered pain relief while preventing potential abuse and patient harm by allowing tracking and secure delivery coupled with a way for prescribers to cancel an opiate prescription
  • Medication History - Having readily available data promotes better informed decisions
  • Clinical History - Knowing past care also promotes better informed decisions and allows suspect care patterns to be detected
  • Clinical Direct Messaging - This promotes secure communications between healthcare practitioners who are concerned about potential addiction
  • Insights for Medication Adherence - Real-time messages about patient medication habits can be given at the point of care

The full position paper can be viewed below.  
