
Actionable Intelligence at the Point of Care can Help Prevent Physician Burnout


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Actionable Intelligence at the Point of Care can Help Prevent Physician Burnout

September 30, 2018

Actionable Intelligence at the Point of Care can Help Prevent Physician Burnout

It’s no secret that today’s physicians are expected to do more with less—less than complete patient information, less time to spend with each patient, fewer resources in general—all while delivering high-quality, cost-effective care to an increasingly value-focused and highly regulated consumer marketplace. The stakes are high, and many of these factors can lead to burnout.  Furthermore, administrative hurdles such as completing prior authorizations and addressing "sticker shock" concerns at the pharmacy also contribute.  

The good news is that physicians have access today to EHR-integrated prescription drug price transparency and prior authorization tools, which work together seamlessly to create an optimal experience for patients, pharmacists and physicians while helping to prevent or relieve physician burnout.

With actionable patient intelligence delivered to the point of care, physicians see how much a medication will cost their patient based on their specific health plan coverage. Together, physicians and patients can use this information to choose the drug option that is both medically appropriate and most affordable. And if a prior authorization is required, it can be completed electronically, and in most cases while the patient is still in the doctor’s office.

The full article can be viewed at the following link.  

