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FY23 Presidential Budget Request
On Monday, March 28th, 2022, President Biden released his federal budget request to Congress for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). In addition to the topline budget, each agency releases budget justification documents to Congress outlining their activities and planned activities with the money requested. Budget documents are non-binding and are only reflective of what the administration is asking Congress to approve for the upcoming fiscal year. Below is a summary of provisions related to EHI’s priority areas.
Policy Briefing: All Things Privacy Policy
There has been a lot going here at EHI on health data privacy that you may be wondering – what are the key takeaways? This interactive discussion focused on all things privacy policy, including EHI & CDT’s two new consumer health data privacy reports, the status of EHI’s work to facilitate a self-regulatory data privacy system, and new, bipartisan legislation to update HIPAA.
- Alice Leiter, Vice President and Senior Counsel, EHI
- Brett Meeks, Vice President, Health Innovation Alliance
- Catherine Pugh, Assistant Vice President, Policy, EHI
About the Member Policy Briefing
Each month (the third Tuesday), Executives for Health Innovation (EHI) host a member-only monthly policy briefing featuring policymakers, staff, and health policy experts. This is a great opportunity to learn about timely issues and their impact on health IT and digital health. The 30-minute interactive discussion is held virtually and is a great opportunity to engage directly with experts on policies directly impacting your organization.
EHI Response Letter to RFI for Strengthening Community Health Through Technology
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy’s Request for Information on Strengthening Community Health through Technology.
Executives for Health Innovation (EHI) strongly supports efforts to advance the use of technology in community health. Download our response below.
Comment Letter: ONC Request for Information on Electronic Prior Authorization Standards, Implementation Specifications, and Certification Criteria
Executives for Health Innovation (EHI) strongly supports efforts to advance electronic prior authorization (ePA) and we commend ONC for continued attention on this issue. While ONC’s Certification Program is an important aspect, it has not, to date, included health payer health IT systems. We urge ONC to continue to work with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to advance a coordinated approach to ePA.
Policy Briefing: March 2022
There has been a lot going here at EHI on health data privacy that you may be wondering – what are the key takeaways? This interactive discussion focused on all things privacy policy, including EHI & CDT’s two new consumer health data privacy reports, the status of EHI’s work to facilitate a self-regulatory data privacy system, and new, bipartisan legislation to update HIPAA.
FY22 Omnibus Summary
EHI staff prepared a summary of provisions in the Fiscal Year 2022 Omnibus Funding bill related to EHI’s policy principles. The legislation included funding provisions related to telehealth, cybersecurity, and interoperability. Non-funding provisions included Medicare telehealth changes and the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act.
EHI Applauds Telehealth Provisions in Funding Bill, Urges Permanent Reform
Washington, DC – March 11, 2022 – Executives for Health Innovation (EHI) commends Congress for including a short-term extension of the current Medicare telehealth waivers in the Fiscal Year 2022 omnibus spending legislation. This 151-day extension provides that the telehealth services millions of patients and providers have come to rely on will not abruptly end if the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) expires.
Policy Principles & Priorities
Learn about EHI's current and past policy activities, including comments and/or sign-on letters, pledges, endorsements, and more at our Executive Resource Center.
2022 Policy Principles & Priorities
EHI Member Policy Briefing - February 2022
As hospitals experience a significant increase in cyberattacks disrupting patient care and endangering patient safety, effective federal cybersecurity policy is more essential than ever. For 2022, EHI has made cybersecurity a top policy priority. The February policy briefing featured Congressional staff, top experts in federal cybersecurity policy, and those on the ground implementing policy to discuss the greatest challenges cybersecurity experts see for the healthcare industry going into 2022 and potential federal cybersecurity policies that could help address these challenges.
- Greg Garcia, Executive Director, Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council
- Greg Garneau, Chief Information Security Officer, Marshfield Clinic Health System
- Liam McKenna, Chief Investigator at United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs (Republicans)
- Andrew Tomlinson, Director of Federal Affairs, CHIME
About the Member Policy Briefing
Each month (the third Tuesday), Executives for Health Innovation (EHI) host a member-only monthly policy briefing featuring policymakers, staff, and health policy experts. This is a great opportunity to learn about timely issues and their impact on health IT and digital health. The 30-minute interactive discussion is held virtually and is a great opportunity to engage directly with experts on policies directly impacting your organization.
To learn more, contact Catherine Pugh, Assistant Vice President of Policy at EHI.
Policy Briefing: March
Open Exclusively to EHI Members