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Deploying patient-centered exchange between providers

Pediatric Partners has adopted provider-centered exchange between their practice and Rady Children's Hospital. The integration allows users in both systems to pull the clinical information and provider notes directly into their local EMR. Both the hospital and Pediatric Partners have the ability to query each other’s systems to retrieve CCDAs. Both systems are able to integrate the CCDAs into their internal EHRs supported by different vendors.

Driving implementation of electronic submissions.

Great Lakes Health Connect (GLHC) found that Meaningful Use has driven the implementation of electronic submissions of immunization, reportable lab, and syndromic surveillance messages to state registries. Scaling the implementation from hundreds to thousands of locations in a short period posed a significant challenge. Building unique interfaces for each EHR was not a scalable approach. GLHC implemented a single gateway for each state registry and developed a standard interface process through their HIE vendor. Instead of establishing a costly VPN, GLHC used a software agent from their vendor that uses the public internet to transact encrypted messages to GLHC’s core platform. This made the requirement for even the smallest office to have just a simple internet connection. GLHC was able to install the agent in a few minutes and have each office ready to go. Overall, this architecture allowed GLHC to on-board many offices each week and quickly respond to the needs across the state.

FHIR and the Future of Interoperability

The ability to exchange healthcare information between systems is important to achieve the triple aim – better heath for individuals, better care for populations, and greater cost efficiency in care. In 2012, a new version of the HL7 standard emerged for information exchange: Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®). This webinar will explore how FHIR® facilitates easier exchange of healthcare data between systems in a straightforward yet secure manner.

Survey Results from the HIE in the State of Texas - 2014 Survey

May 18, 2014

In 2014, the Texas Health Services Authority (THSA) partnered with eHealth Initiative to measure progress to date and establish a baseline going forward for health information exchange (HIE) in the state of Texas. As has become the case nationally, many HIEs in Texas have moved out of early developmental stages and have brought their resources to bear on the difficult tasks of expanding networks, increasing clinical usage, and building out services. This report summarizes findings from a landscape survey of Texas HIEs.