EHRs offer robust data and analytics capabilities that routinely go unused. Understanding how best to leverage those capabilities and who to involve in the decision-making processes will position your healthcare organization for creating a successful data-driven culture. Our distuinguished panelists will highlight the care team engagement needed to be successful and how to engage the organization (particularly the clinical care team) beyond the C-suite in analytics. Join the discussion where we’ll focus on optimizing Electronic Health Record (or other technology) inputs to improve workflow and to provide the benchmarking and performance measurement analytics needed to support an organization’s mission and strategy.
During this webinar, participants will:
· Better understand how to leverage EHR data for benchmarking and performance measurement analytics capabilities.
· They will become more equipped to ask vendors questions to ensure they obtain the capabilities and services their organizations need.
· Learn how to build a data-driven culture supported by clinical care teams.
· Hear about best practice experiences and guidance from the panel.
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