
Member News

Providence’s "DetectionMap" Provides a Nearly Real-Time View of Local COVID-19 Prevalence Among its Patients, Down to the Neighborhood Level

With its new DetectionMap, Providence is making information about local COVID-19 infections available to the people of the communities in which it operates. "DetectionMap", is a publicly available online “heat map” that shows where COVID-19 is prevalent in a given geographical area where Providence cares for patients. Unlike most county-level reporting tools, "DetectionMap", lets people zoom into their neighborhood to see how many patients with COVID-19 Providence is seeing in that area.

Estimating The Economic Impact of a Digital Therapeutic in Type 2 Diabetes.

This paper introduces a novel method to estimate the economic impact of a reduction in A1C by utilizing a large, administrative claims database for a real-world segment of type 2 diabetes patients. The documented A1C reductions achieved through engagement with BlueStar are fractionalized and correlated with fractional cost differences associated with acute utilization, cost of supplies and pharmacy, and the cost of co-morbid complications.