
Policy Workgroup - Patient Matching

Monday, November 23, 2015 - 05:00
End date: 
Monday, November 23, 2015 - 06:00

Join us for the eHealth Initiative’s (eHI) November Policy Workgroup Webinar “Patient Matching: Insights from Policy Experts, Researchers and Implementers.”

To participate in the call dial 1-866-740-1260 and enter the access code 6243271. To view the slides and interactive portion of the call, go to and enter the code 6243271 on the upper left menu under “participate in a meeting.”

Patient matching is an issue front and center in the national healthcare debate, with divergent views. Tune in to this month’s eHI Policy Working Group webinar where presenters will discuss some of the latest studies, frameworks, policy thinking and findings on patient matching. This will include highlights from the Sequoia Project/Care Connectivity Consortium study that can be found at:

Confirmed speakers on the November PWG call include:
• Shan He, PhD, Senior Medical Informaticist, Intermountain Healthcare
• Mariann Yeager, CEO, The Sequoia Project
• Pamela L. Lane, MS, RHIA, CPHIMS, HIMSS, Vice President, Government Relations, AHIMA

This webinar is open to the public. Please extend this invitation to your network and colleagues. If you have any questions please contact Ticia Gerber at